Operation Hope

" Operation Hope" is an outreach ministry that is part of a newly non-profit Church, (Kingdom Producers International Ministries) located in Oak Park, Illinois. The mission of Kingdom Producers International Ministries is to eradicate poverty and transform peoples life's by preaching, teaching, and demonstration of the Kingdom of God in our neighborhoods, towns, cities, states, and in all the countries around the world. We are asking that you partner with us in our mission to eradicate poverty and transform life's.

Branson, Missouri

May 3-5, 2024

We would like to thank all who partnered with us in prayer Your prayers were truly felt as we traveled and ministered from Chicago to Branson, Mo. and along the way.

We would like to report that many people heard the gospel, were prayed for and the Lord saved three souls. What a mighty God we serve!

Below are some pictures of the souls saved and some of the people we talked to about Jesus.

Souls that entered the Kingdom of Heaven 5/3-5/24

Souls that need prayer